Choosing the right weighted blanket: A buyer's guide

Choosing the Right Weighted Blanket: A Buyer’s Guide

In the realm of comfort and wellness, weighted blankets have emerged as a cornerstone. Not just a bedding accessory, they are a hug embodied in fabric, a soothing companion for the nights. This guide is your key to unlocking the perfect weighted blanket, ensuring every fold and bead works in harmony with your needs.

The Essence of Weighted Blankets

Weighted blankets are more than their name suggests. They are crafted to provide ‘Deep Touch Pressure’ or DTP, which simulates the feeling of being gently held or hugged. This sensation is not just comforting; it triggers a cascade of positive biochemical reactions in your body. The pressure increases serotonin and melatonin, the hormones responsible for happiness and sleep, while decreasing cortisol, the stress hormone. This triad works wonders for your mental and physical well-being.

Why choose for a Weighted Blanket?

The benefits of weighted blankets extend beyond their apparent comfort. They are a sanctuary for those battling anxiety, insomnia, or stress. For individuals with ADHD or autism, these blankets become a tool for sensory processing, offering a calming influence. Even for the everyday user, the gentle weight promises a deeper, more restful sleep.

Determining the Ideal Weight

The golden rule for selecting the right weighted blanket is the ‘10% guideline’. Ideally, a weighted blanket should be around 10% of your body weight. This ratio ensures that the blanket provides effective DTP without being overwhelming. However, personal preference is paramount. Start with 10% as a baseline and adjust as per your comfort.

Body Weight (lbs)Recommended Blanket Weight (lbs)
Up to 505



80-99 lbs



Over 20020-25
Size: A Personal Affair

Unlike regular blankets, the size of a weighted blanket is a personal affair. It should cater to your body size rather than your bed size. A blanket too large might feel overwhelming, while a smaller one might not offer the complete coverage needed for the optimal effect.


Material: The Fabric of Comfort

The choice of material in a weighted blanket affects everything from texture to temperature. Outer materials range from the softness of cotton to the luxury of Minky. Inside, the blankets are filled with either glass beads, plastic poly pellets, or natural grains. Each material has its unique feel and weight distribution, so consider what feels best against your skin and aligns with your temperature preferences.


Navigating Temperature Preferences

For those who tend to overheat at night, the quest for the right weighted blanket includes finding one that won’t trap heat. Look for options with breathable fabrics, such as cotton or bamboo, and cooling technologies that wick away moisture.

Quality and Craftsmanship

A weighted blanket is an investment in your comfort and health. Check the craftsmanship – the stitching should be sturdy, especially around the edges and in the pockets that hold the weights. A well-made blanket will not only last longer but also ensure an even distribution of weight.

Ease of Care: A Practical Aspect

Consider how easy it is to care for the blanket. Some come with removable covers for easy washing, while others might require special cleaning methods. A machine-washable option could save you time and effort.

Sensory Preferences: Your Personal Touch

The texture of your weighted blanket is a direct line to your comfort. From smooth and cool to plush and warm, the choice should resonate with your sensory preferences. This aspect is especially crucial for those with specific sensory needs.

Budget Considerations: An Investment in Well-being

Weighted blankets vary in price, and often, you get what you pay for. While budgeting, consider this an investment in your well-being. A higher-priced blanket often means better quality materials and construction, offering better value in the long run.

Trial and Warranty: Your Safety Net

Many manufacturers offer trial periods or warranties. This safety net allows you to experience the blanket in your own space, ensuring it meets your needs and preferences.

Innovation and Style: The Aesthetics of Comfort

The world of weighted blankets is constantly evolving. From integrated sleep technology to a variety of colors and patterns, these innovations not only enhance the blanket’s functionality but also its aesthetic appeal. Choose a style that not only feels good but also looks good in your space.

Choosing for Children

If selecting a weighted blanket for a child, consult with a pediatrician to choose the right weight and size. Children’s blankets should be lighter and easy for them to move under. Your Essential Guide to Choosing the Perfect Weighted Blanket for Kids. (Our Top 6)

Conclusion: Your Comfort, Personalized

Choosing the right weighted blanket is a journey to your personal comfort. It’s about understanding your body’s needs, your sensory preferences, and what makes you feel most at ease. With this guide, that perfect blanket – your cocoon of comfort – is within reach, ready to transform your nights into a serene, peaceful experience.

Our Top Pick

For more information about the best weighted blankets you can find on the following page: The 6 Best Weighted Blankets Reviewed – Buying Guide​