The ultimate guide to washing your weighted blanket: Preserving comfort and quality


Weighted blankets have become a staple in many households for their ability to provide comfort and improve sleep. However, maintaining these blankets requires specific care, especially when it comes to washing. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about washing your weighted blanket to ensure it remains in pristine condition.

Understanding Your Weighted Blanket

Before diving into the washing process, it’s crucial to understand the composition of your weighted blanket. Typically, these blankets are filled with materials like glass beads, plastic poly pellets, or microfiber beads, and are covered with fabrics such as cotton, minky, or fleece. The care instructions can vary based on these materials.

Step 1: Check the Care Label

Always start by checking the manufacturer’s care label. This tag provides crucial information on washing and drying methods that are safe for your blanket.

Step 2: Pre-Wash Inspection

Inspect your blanket for any tears or loose threads. If you find any, repair them before washing to prevent further damage or leaking of the filler material.

Step 3: Spot Cleaning for Minor Stains

For small stains, spot cleaning is often the best approach. Use a mild detergent and warm water to gently clean the affected area. Avoid harsh chemicals, as they can damage the fabric.

Step 4: Machine Washing

If your blanket is machine washable and fits comfortably in your washing machine, use a gentle, cold water cycle. Opt for a mild detergent and avoid bleach or fabric softener. If your blanket is heavier than 12-15 pounds, consider using a commercial washing machine at a laundromat to prevent damage to your home machine.

Step 5: Hand Washing

For blankets that aren’t machine washable or are too large, hand washing is a safe alternative. Fill a bathtub with cold water and a small amount of mild detergent, submerge the blanket, and gently agitate. Drain and refill the tub with clean water to rinse.

Step 6: Drying Your Weighted Blanket

The drying method is just as important as washing. If the care label allows, tumble dry on low heat or a no-heat air cycle. For blankets with plastic poly pellets, avoid high heat as it can melt the pellets. Alternatively, air drying is the safest method. Hang the blanket evenly or lay it flat on a clean surface, flipping regularly for even drying.

Step 7: Regular Maintenance

Apart from washing, regular maintenance like shaking out the blanket to keep the fillers evenly distributed and airing it out periodically helps in keeping it fresh.

Tips and Tricks

  1. Use a Duvet Cover: A removable cover can protect your blanket and reduce the need for frequent washing.
  2. Gentle Detergents: Stick to mild detergents to preserve the fabric’s integrity.
  3. Avoid Bleach and Fabric Softeners: These can break down the material and affect the blanket’s weight distribution.
  4. Consider Weight and Size: Always consider the weight and size of your blanket before choosing a washing method.


Properly washing and maintaining your weighted blanket can significantly extend its lifespan and ensure it continues to provide the best comfort. Remember to follow the specific care instructions provided by the manufacturer and treat your blanket with the gentle care it deserves. With these tips, your weighted blanket will remain a cherished comfort for years to come.

Are you looking for a weighted blanket? View this page The 6 Best Weighted Blankets Reviewed – Buying Guide